We are—quite literally—buzzing with excitement these days, now that our resident bees are back in business. In addition to companies across a diverse range of industries, One Two Pru also happens to serve as the headquarters for four urban beehives, which have just been unveiled now that spring is finally here.
Located on the 11th floor roof, these beehives were kept insulated for the winter while the bees “hibernated,” maintaining an impressive 93-degree-Fahrenheit temperature within the hives, despite months of below-freezing temperatures.
To celebrate the hives being unveiled for the season, we invited tenants and guests to an exciting rooftop event. On Thursday, April 14, our beekeeper Dana McMullin of Alvéole revealed the hives, showcased the bee colonies, and gifted jars of fresh, local, unique-to-One-Two-Pru honey. The bees certainly weren’t the only ones buzzing during this lively event!
Though we love socializing with our tenants, enjoying delicious raw honey, and partaking in one-of-a-kind experiences, this seasonal unveiling signifies so much more. The beehives at One Two Pru are here through our partnership with Alvéole. Their goal—which One Two Pru supports—is to champion sustainability in urban areas.
Bees from each of these hives (aka colonies) can fly up to three miles per day, pollinating local plants on their quest to bring nectar, pollen, resin, or water back to the hive. This is essential to helping keep plants alive—especially in urban areas, where the ecosystem isn’t quite what nature intended. Other benefits include repurposing unused space, producing local honey (which is known to have antibacterial properties and can help with seasonal allergies), and connecting people to a fascinating part of nature.
As an ongoing source of both entertainment and education, One Two Pru tenants will be invited to assist Dana with holding the bees, attend in-person workshops, or simply observe the process during her visits throughout the year.